Whether you are looking for mixed-use, multi-family, affordable/attainable housing, commercial rental, owner-occupied, energy, transportation, infrastructure, social impact or traditional projects, Delaware has options for you within our 25 qualified Opportunity Zones.
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Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool designed as revitalization programs in economically-distressed communities in Delaware and in other communities by providing tax benefits to investors.
Governor John Carney selected 25 census tracts as Opportunity Zones in April 2018 in which communities and economically-distressed properties across Delaware could see additional private sector investment. These Opportunity Zones are designated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The 25 Opportunity Zones in Delaware are found in specific census districts in the following towns and cities, from the top of the State of Delaware (located less than 15 miles from the Philadelphia International Airport-PHL) to the bottom (located 20 miles from Salisbury Regional Airport – SBY).
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